Rent coaches with driver within Schleswig-Holstein
With Busvermietung Eisenach, travel agents and private travellers can reserve various categories of buses with motorist. In accordance with the necessary space, Busvermietung Eisenach wants to send you buses of any capacity within the borders of Schleswig-Holstein. We and our partner coach companies invite you to cherry-pick among the following bus classes. Regardless of your choice, our professional bus rental experts can ensure to send you well-equipped microbuses, minibuses and buses from Schleswig-Holstein for your tour.
Available types of bus and minibus services in Kiel and elsewhere in Schleswig-Holstein
- Cars with motorist in Schleswig-Holstein: If you want to charter a small car, a veteran automobile, or a luxury car, our agency is looking forward to help you hire any kind of small street car with a chauffeur in Schleswig-Holstein. And we can also bring you to Syddanmark (Southern Denmark), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Bremen, and to other places anywhere in Germany.
- Minibuses & microbuses with operator in Schleswig-Holstein: In regards to medium-sized travelling groups, we can offer microbuses & midibuses with motorist in Schleswig-Holstein. Moreover, our vehicles can also be chartered for a ride to Denmark, to Norway, to Sweden, to Poland, to Netherlands, and in any other place of Europe.
- Ordinary coaches with operator in Schleswig-Holstein: If your group consists of many people, we will happily use reliable coaches and two deck motorcoaches with chauffeur for street trips on the territory of Schleswig-Holstein and in all other parts of Germany. Furthermore, you and your guests can hire our reliable coaches for travel itineraries outside the borders of Germany, specifically to the closeby countries of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Poland, and Netherlands, or to other countries of Europe.